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We wanted to take a moment to thank you for purchasing X and checking out the demo content! Taking a look through this demo content you’ll be able to see how we setup various post formats for the blog such as the gallery, video, and audio post format, and there are also plenty of portfolio post examples as well. Take some time to review their content and meta settings below the editor to get an idea for how to set them up.

To setup your homepage and blog page properly, be sure to go to Settings > Reading and choose A static page for the Front page displays option. Once you have done so, you can assign the appropriate pages to the front page and posts page of your site. Additionally, make sure to consult the documentation as well as our video tutorials in the member area to see how to setup the portfolio section of your website. Once you have joined the member area, you’ll also have access to our homepage examples, Customizer import settings, video training resources, child themes, photoshop files, and so much more!

Unsere Kontaktinformationen

Rechtsanwälte Kotz GbR

Siegener Str. 104 – 106
D-57223 Kreuztal – Buschhütten
(Kreis Siegen – Wittgenstein)

Telefon: 02732 791079
(Tel. Auskünfte sind unverbindlich!)
Telefax: 02732 791078

E-Mail Anfragen:

Rechtsanwalt Hans Jürgen Kotz
Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht

Rechtsanwalt und Notar Dr. Christian Kotz
Fachanwalt für Verkehrsrecht
Fachanwalt für Versicherungsrecht
Notar mit Amtssitz in Kreuztal

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